Created by a rider who competed in RAAM, the famous “Race Across America” endurance event, the Cushion-Aid SaddleDonut™ is designed to improve comfort for riders spending long hours in the saddle, reduce sliding and prevent saddle sores.

Featuring a series of raised, dome-shaped “donuts” designed to cushion a cyclist’s sit bones, the SaddleDonut fits to any cycling or triathlon specific saddle.

“Finished in black for a discreet application to any saddle design, using the Cushion-Aid SaddleDonut™ is a low impact and cost efficient way of improving your ride experience,” say Cushion-Aid, who claim the product can be applied and removed without causing damage to the saddle.

Christian Echavarria from Cushion-Aid was inspired to design the SaddleDonut™ after his own painful experience on the Race Across America.

“I created the SaddleDonut™ after experiencing significant saddle sores on RAAM,” he explains.

“After extensive research, testing and riding we are delighted to offer the Cushion Aid, SaddleDonut™, which we believe significantly improves both comfort and performance on longer rides.

“It is a new brand of sports performance technology for serious and competitive road cyclists and triathlon athletes.

“We have incorporated Cushion-Aid’s proprietary Power-Lock Technology™ into our range of products to couple the design characteristics of your favourite saddle with the unique anatomy of your pelvis, thus eliminating micro-sliding during the pedal motion and providing more comfortable contact with the saddle.”

The SaddleDonut is available to buy now priced $39.95 (£29).

Find out more and buy at